About Sacred Radiance

Origin Story of Sacred Radiance

Once upon a time in a breathwork community not so far away….

Sacred Radiance emerged from a shared vision, a serendipitous meeting of minds and hearts between Daniella and Danielle. Their paths first crossed nearly a decade ago within the vibrant breathwork community.

From the outset, it was clear they shared a deep, unwavering commitment to guiding women on a journey of self-discovery, helping them to reconnect with their bodies, embrace their inner radiance, and experience their inherent right to joy and bliss.

Growing and Blossoming…

Over the years, Daniella and Danielle's friendship blossomed, anchored by their mutual passion for empowering women. They often discussed collaborating, envisioning a space where their combined expertise could create transformative experiences. The dream began to materialize as Daniella embarked on her path to becoming a breathwork teacher trainer, taking the opportunity to assist Danielle in her classes.

Their synergy is perhaps no coincidence, considering their astrological alignment - both are Pisces Suns with Cancer Rising, a combination that speaks to their intuitive, nurturing nature.

Danielle's Virgo Moon lends meticulous attention to detail, while Daniella's Sagittarius Moon infuses their endeavors with boundless enthusiasm and joy. This astrological harmony underscores their approach: a blend of thoughtful planning and spirited, fun-filled execution.

The Pillars of Sacred Radiance

The foundation of Sacred Radiance is built on several key pillars, reflecting the essence of Daniella and Danielle’s vision:

Bliss, pleasure and power are every woman’s birthright: these are not just fleeting moments or distant dreams; they are the inherent birthrights of every woman. This profound understanding forms the cornerstone of an empowering belief system that recognizes and celebrates the intrinsic worth and potential within every woman.

Embodied Wisdom: At the core of Sacred Radiance is the belief in the wisdom of the body. The retreat encourages women to tune into their body's innate intelligence, using practices like breathwork and somatic practices.

Joyful Awakening: Central to the retreat’s philosophy is the awakening to joy is available to everybody. Through various activities and sessions, participants are guided to rediscover and embrace the joy that resides within them.

It’s Yours…

Inner Radiance and Empowerment: Sacred Radiance focuses on helping women uncover and amplify their inner radiance. The retreat is a journey towards self-empowerment, celebrating the unique strength and beauty each woman holds..

Community and Support: The retreat fosters a sense of community and support, creating a safe space for sharing, growth, and healing. This supportive environment is crucial in facilitating transformative experiences.

Playful Exploration: Reflecting Daniella’s Sagittarian spirit, Sacred Radiance infuses fun and exploration into the journey, believing that growth and recovery can be joyful and adventurous.

Mindful Attention to Detail: Danielle’s Virgo Moon influences the retreat’s meticulous planning and attention to detail, ensuring each aspect of the experience is thoughtfully curated and executed.

Sacred Radiance is a sanctuary where women come to explore, heal, and celebrate their true selves, supported by the guiding hands of two devoted facilitators whose journey together has brought this transformative vision to life

Book a Call

Want more information about Sacred Radiance? Book a call! We look forward to connecting with you.