Happy Lunar New Year of the Dragon!

Happy Lunar New Year as we enter the Year of the Dragon!

This auspicious occasion not only calls for vibrant celebrations but also invites us to explore the profound symbolism of the dragon and its connection to Kundalini energy, the life force energy within us.

Just like the dragon, Kundalini holds immense transformative power, capable of awakening our pleasure and leading us on a path of embodied self-realization.

During this joyous festival, amidst the festivities and merriment, take a moment to tap into the dragon's symbolism and reflect upon your own inner power.

The dragon's strength, wisdom, and guardianship of hidden treasures are symbols of this same untapped power within you.

Embodied Bliss

Consider this Lunar New Year as a time devoted to moving towards, opening to, and yielding to your own erotic power.

The dragon is a fascinating symbol of significance in various cultures and mythologies. One of its profound interpretations is its connection to Kundalini energy.

The Power of Radiance in Our Bodies…

In many traditions, Kundalini refers to the energy believed to reside at the base of the spine. It is often depicted as a coiled serpent, similar to the form of a dragon. The awakening of this powerful energy along the spine is seen as a transformative and enlightening process.

While the symbolism of the dragon as a representation of Kundalini varies across different cultures, both share a common theme of inner power, transformation, and embodying our erotic energy. The dragon serves as a powerful reminder of the potential within us, waiting to be awakened and harnessed for growth, fun and inner bliss.

Just as the dragon rises and unleashes its fiery energy, may awakening your Kundalini energy bring forth personal transformation, expanded awareness, shameless pleasure, and a deep connection to the pulsation of all life.

Wishing you a remarkable Lunar New Year filled with joy, abundance, and the awakening of your Kundalini energy.

Sacred Radiance Somatic Practice for celebrating the Year of the Kundalini Dragon


  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space to perform the practice undisturbed.

  2. Set the ambiance with dim lighting, soft music, and any sacred objects or symbols that resonate with you.


  1. Sit or stand comfortably, taking a few deep breaths to center yourself.

  2. Close your eyes and visualize a radiant, golden dragon coiled at the base of your spine, representing your Kundalini energy.


  1. Gently begin to sway your body side to side, allowing your movements to flow naturally. Let the rhythm of your swaying awaken the energy within.

  2. As you sway, softly chant or speak out loud an invocation to the Kundalini Dragon. You can create your own words or use a simple phrase like, "Kundalini Dragon, awaken within me. Ignite my spirit and guide me towards transformation."


  1. Transition into standing and place your hands on your lower abdomen, just below the navel.

  2. Visualize a vibrant ember igniting in your lower abdomen, representing the awakening of your Kundalini energy.

  3. As you inhale, imagine breathing life into the ember, allowing it to grow brighter and more intense with each breath.

  4. With each exhale, envision the energy expanding and rising up your spine, like a glowing flame.

Flow and Integration:

  1. Allow your body to move spontaneously, following the impulses and sensations that arise. Let the Kundalini energy guide your movements, whether it be gentle swaying, flowing dance-like motions, or stillness.

  2. As you move, imagine the dragon within you awakening and stretching its wings, infusing you with strength, vitality, and wisdom.

  3. Surrender to the experience and let go of any inhibitions or judgments. Allow the energy to flow freely, inviting a sense of liberation and expansiveness.

Closing and Gratitude:

  1. Gradually slow down your movements and return to a seated position.

  2. Place your hands over your heart, connecting with the wisdom and gratitude that the Kundalini Dragon has shared with you.

  3. Express your gratitude by silently or aloud acknowledging the energy and transformation that you have experienced.

  4. Take a few deep breaths, consciously integrating the energy and grounding yourself.

Conclude the ritual by offering thanks and appreciation for the journey and insights received from the Kundalini Dragon. Carry the energy and wisdom of this ritual with you throughout the Year of the Kundalini Dragon, allowing it to guide your path and inspire your growth.


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